Put Emotion Back into Training
You must turn off your emotions for the next hour. This training is a feeling-free zone. You do not have a report due at the end of the day. You do not have to get [...]
You must turn off your emotions for the next hour. This training is a feeling-free zone. You do not have a report due at the end of the day. You do not have to get [...]
An online survey conducted by Ipsos Market Research and Consulting Firm has turned up some shocking statistics. 30% of Americans surveyed said that they never received any formal training from their employer. Among those left untrained, were [...]
It’s no surprise that software training is often delivered as eLearning. Technology changes constantly and providing computer program or mobile app training on the device it’ll be used on just makes sense. But software training [...]
In honor of Halloween, I wanted to discuss a scary scenario. When the education department at your organization is you, it’s easy to let old content linger beyond its welcome. When you discover that your [...]
Trying to have a conversation with know-it-alls is like talking to a wall. Nothing you have to say matters because they’ll automatically tune you out. To them, the “conversation” is either a waste of time [...]
I once worked for a large company where all new employees went through a 3-day on-boarding process. We sat through videos on safety and compliance, through lectures and power point presentations. As proof we learned [...]
Your supervisor stops by and says they’re super busy. They need you to take care of something they don’t have time to do. After showing you that “Everything you need is in this folder” they [...]